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Aux frontières du cosmos
Françoise Wolff
1997 - 50 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

To discuss their very latest theories, physicists and astrophysicists go to Erice to the Ettore Majorana centre. In one of the most beautiful sites in Sicily, they examine the past of the universe. What is the origin of the world ? The various schools disagree or complement each other. The authors met these heirs of Einstein, from all over the world, researchers and students. On the sand of Sicily, these enthusiasts hold forth about cosmology. One of them will perhaps be a new Einstein, who knows?
"Aux frontières du cosmos" proves that Einstein is still alive. These architects of the infinite inspire us with their passion for science. Their questions about black matter, the expansion of the universe, the existence of other universes, mean using other dimensions, at the outer edge of understanding.
These astrophysicists of today make us hope that one day perhaps we will know a little more about the beginning of time.

Author-Director : Françoise Wolff
Delegate Producer : On line productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : On line productions
TV Rights : ARTE France Distribution