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Aux arbres, citoyens !
Sophie Fueyo, Marie-Kenza Bouhaddou
2013 - 15 min - HDCam - Couleur - France

An urban tree nursery. About forty 2 metre High trees right in the middle of forgotten district at the edge of Lyon. Those trees are fostered and taken care of by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. When you’re in the tree nursery, youhave the feeling you’re no longer in the city.
The district is changing, buildings are pulled down, others are built up. "Prenez Racines!" is well aware of thoses changes : people are worried because of rehousing, about new neighbours and how they will settle in. Thoses issues are debated. Trees, just like people, are to be unrooted before being planted for good in the new district, a way to put words on rehousing issues?

Author-Director : Sophie Fueyo, Marie-Kenza Bouhaddou
Delegate Producer : Sophie Fueyo


Distributor : Sophie Fueyo
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