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Autour d'une dictée Série-Collection : Chroniques francophones

François-Marie Ribadeau
1993 - 52 min - 16 mm - Couleur - France

11th April 1992. Three hundred and fifty people have just sat down in the Great Hall of the United Nations General Assembly. They represent one hundred and eighteen countries and they are waiting with their pens in their hands. They have all one thing in common : a love of the French language. They are all there to take part in the Grand Final of Bernard Pivot's dictations.

Author-Director : François-Marie Ribadeau
Author : Jean-Claude Bringuier
Delegate Producer : Caméras continentales
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Broadcasting Co-producer : Radio télévision égyptienne
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV Ontario
Broadcasting Sale : TV Bulgare
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Caméras continentales