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Autoportrait de l'artiste en arabe
Lionel Mwe-di-Malila
1999 - 55 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - Belgique

A cameraman films the life of the swimming pool in his district of Saint-Gilles, in Brussels, Belgium. The pool is situated directly opposite the company that produces his documentary : AJC ! When the director looks into the water, he finds his own reflection there. And that of his camera, an Hi 8, too. When the director looks at the pool through his camera lens, he can see that he is not the only one to be reflected in the blue water and its chlorine. On the screen of the pool, the whole world appears, as though in the cinema.
My local pool is therefore a parable on television, what you see there and what is hidden there. My local pool is a metaphor woven into the form of a maze with, how can one express it, rays of light. I saw God swimming in the pool and angels walking on the water.
And in a dream, I put a bomb on the bottom of the pool, a nuclear device, which, for the time being, filters the water and measures out the chlorine.
This dream is the film, etc.


Distributor : AJC (Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes)
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