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Au jardin
Béatrice Dubell
1993 - 22 min - Hi 8 - Couleur - France

When you see them from a motor way on the edges of towns they seem to be peculiar and absurd patches, spots of different colours which you only catch sight of for a second in passing.
With my camera I wanted to go and meet the men who work in these workmen’s allotments, hoping they would tell me a secret. What inspires them to be active, creative, cooperative to resist towns and invent worlds ? I had to get closer to them little by little, by taking the time, for example, to watch those old hands working busily for a long time round a lettuce...
My film moves slowly and thoughtfully like that, deeper than words. It is waiting for a revelation, it ripens slowly looking for the opening of a bud. Perhaps the secret that is kept over there is just that under towns there is earth.

Author-Director : Béatrice Dubell
Delegate Producer : Ateliers Varan


Sole Distributor : Ateliers Varan
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