Au fil de l'électricité Série-Collection : Lumière d’Afrique

Relaine Aimée Nkounkou Banzouzi
2013 - 52 min - Vidéo 720p/HDV - Couleur - France, Côte-d'Ivoire

Congo Brazzaville: a reality, that of daily power cuts. a neighborhood constantly in the dark, mine. After several years spent abroad, I will dive back into this reality. Refrigerators, fans, cold rooms at a standstill, televisions forever turned off, hundreds of meters to go to leave the mobile phone at "charge". At night, the few street lights powered like those of "Blvd" Raoul "are invested by a crowd of students who review while families who can not buy a generator return to the era of candles and firefly lamps.
It is during these great parentheses of life that I investigate the flow of the current, the mechanisms of survival and the many young people who become desperate potential candidates for exile.


Distributor : Zaradoc Films
Disponible au Club du doc


2017 - BeninDocs (Festival International du Premier Film Documentaire), Porto Novo (Bénin) : Sélection
2014 - LAFF (Luxor African Film Festival) à supprimer, Luxor (Égypte) : Sélection