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Au bout du conte
Les Objets dans le miroir sont plus proches qu'ils n'apparaissent
Barbara Rufin, Pierre de Bellefroid
2001 - 33 min - DV Cam - Couleur - Belgique

"I live in the forest, just on the bank of the river. When I get close to unknown people or objects, they tell me their story ; that is how I learn and discover the origin of the rock, the trees, the wind... I live in a story... But I know there is another reality. One day, I left the forest and I walked along the riverbank, looking for a passage." "Au bout du conte" fluctuates between fiction and documentary.
In the first part we are in a story world, a natural world (forest, shore, lake...). Three tales are set up : "Vent du Sud", an American Indian tale, "Nitouche" a bawdy tale, and "Repeuplement", a "mutagin" tale.
The second part reveals a realistic environment with more urban and everyday faces and spaces. The stories are no longer tales strictly speaking, but true stories, anecdotes or confidences.


Distributor : AJC (Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes)
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