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Au bord de l'école
Anne-Laure Brénéol
2000 - 58 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

At the wheel of a little beige van Camille Véger is seated, a fiftyish, alert, "unfrocked" teacher... Fifteen years ago he left his high school in order to go everyday towards other pupils, children of travelling people...
He now teaches on waste ground, at the roadside, everywhere where Tzigane families manage to stop before being chased away.
For Tzigane children, knowing how to read, write and count today represents an indispensable challenge, for building up their lives and getting rid of one of the causes of rejection that they suffer everyday...

Author-Director : Anne-Laure Brénéol
Delegate Producer : IO production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Cityzen télévision
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : IO production