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Ariane dans le ciel de Guyane
Philippe Costantini
1997 - 61 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

Never before has humanity lived a dream like this. A satellite launch is like the creation of the universe.
Thanks to its privileged location, the Kourou space base in French Guyana can launch several types of satellites.
Alongside this sophisticated technology, live the different people of Guyana, an incredible mosaic composed of Amerindians, creoles, "noirs marrons", Hmongs besides a number of other minorities.
Shot during a whole year, this film unveils the side-scene of a launch in parallel to the human challenge of the different communities in their battle over the powerful tropical nature.
This amazing duality of French Guyana is revealed by Tchou, a young Hmong technician working on the base who makes the legends of his childhood come true by getting closer to space...

Author-Director : Philippe Costantini
Delegate Producer : Médiane films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus


Distributor : Médiane films
TV Rights : Canal plus distribution