Nurith Aviv
2013 - 63 min - HD - Couleur - France, Israël

The portrait of seven women, starting out from the stories of the annunciations made to Hagar, Sarah and Mary as related in the Old Testament, New Testament and the Koran. Their thoughts unfurl and weave a new canvas, tying the threads with their own associations, their own interpretation of the texts. Referring to their own histories, their personal myths, they evoke subjects such as the birth of the image in the Christian world or that of the poem in ancient Greece.
This film is about the mouvement of thought, the power of words, the secret of the voice, the seduction of the image.

Author-Director : Nurith Aviv
Photography : Eric Marcheux, Ziv Berkovitch, Itay Marom
Sound : Nicolas Joly, Michael Goorevich
Editing : Effi Weiss
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Co-producer : Laïla Films
Co-producer : Dérives
Broadcasting Co-producer : KTO TV
Contribution : Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve


Distributor : Les Films d'ici
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : RDM Video
Disponible au Club du doc


2014 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile de la Scam
2013 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Expériences du regard
2013 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Ecran Parralèle - Théorème
2013 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques