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Animal Roc
Portrait d'un sculpteur : Serge Lombard
Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied
2001 - 28 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

Self-taught, shy, contemplative, hard-working, Serge Lombard is an animal sculptor. From the high plateaux of the Vercors to the Alpine valleys, we follow him on his naturalist hikes with his sketch-pad, or on his collection of rocks gleaned from the mountains.
His talent is revealed through his wolves, bears, chamois, mouflons, birds of prey or batrachians. With extraordinary mastery he works wood or minerals until the most extreme breaking point : beak, horn, feet... Each piece is a challenge.
"He talks sense and he talks nonsense with a humour that surprises or disturbs. Naturally philosophical, he has remained a child that everything amazes."

Author-Director : Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied
Delegate Producer : Ibex productions


Distributor : Ibex productions
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