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Altermondialistes, la révolution des consciences
François Verlet
2005 - 71 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Sensitive to the social and ecological consequences of a globalized economy, we spent two years following a minority of resistant people previously called the anti-globalization and now "altermondialist".
In social forums and demonstrations, from Mombay to Paris as well as in our own small rural (the Aude) region south of France we are showing that world trading and it's political related issues destroys nature and annihilates employment.
Whilst dealing with subjects as diverse as the delocalisation of a wood firm, the refusal of GATS (General Agreement Trade in Services), the problems faced by farmers as well as the anti-OGM activists, we met people of diverse origins who all refuse to accept that logic based on economy is told as the only possible way.
Anonymous or famous, they all share the same hope: "another world is possible".
This vision becomes real when it is turn into action. The "Getting out of nukes" caravan promotes the use of renewable energies. The increasing supporters of the "décroissance" (de-growth) movement, practice daily a "happy sobriety".
An alternative way of life is on it's way. A global chance of evolution from a world of economic and military domination to a world of solidarity, respecting the environment and its diversity.
The rise of an ecological, political and social consciousness lead the altermondialits people to view life in a different way. A non-violent revolution whose advent is yet uncertain could determinate our future.

Author-Director : François Verlet
Author : Valérie Verlet
Delegate Producer : La Frontière Production


Distributor : Videalys Productions
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