Albertine et Dorcas
Colette Piault
1972 - 20 min - 16 mm - Couleur - France

"Albertine and Dorcas" was filmed in the Ivory Coast in 1966.
The project consists of making a comparison between the daily work of two women in Abidjan.
Albertine, the mother of a family, lives in Adjamé's neighborhood. Her work consists of preparing, and then selling "achéké" (manioc semolina). Her rather traditional occupation is integrated into the rhythm of her family life.
Dorcas, single, lives in Treichville and works as a cashier in a hardware store. Each day she leaves her family environment by taxi to go to her work. Her rhythm is that of wage-earner. Her occupation is more integrated into the modern urban world. This is the filmmaker's first film, a first attempt.

Author-Director : Colette Piault
Photography : Colette Piault
Sound : Colette Piault
Editing : Madeleine Dedieu, Anne-Marie Berreby
Delegate Producer : Les Films du quotidien
Co-producer : CNRS
Contribution : Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires


Distributor : Les Films du quotidien
Circulation-Consultation : SFAV (Société française d'Anthropologie visuelle)