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Éric Gandit
1994 - 26 min - Hi 8 - Couleur - France

Madagascar : Tananarive has seen its population more than double in ten years . This exodus is chiefly the result of the appaling administration of President Ratsiraka who was deposed in the riots of 1991. The purchasing power of the Malgaches is now one of the lowest in the world. The poor nicknamed the "Quat'mis" those who are afflicted by the four forms of poverty, cannot hope for housing in the flats or dwellings let at prohibitive rents. They gather on the outskirts of the town in shanties.
Father Pedro founded "Akanasoa", "good friends" in the malgache language. A builder's son himself , he gave priority to housing. His aim to help these poor to regain a family circle, a job and personal dignity. Today more than 7 000 people of whom 3 000 are children who go to school, live in the 9 villages built by the "Quat'mis".

Author-Director : Éric Gandit
Delegate Producer : Éric Gandit


Distributor : Éric Gandit
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