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À propos de "Nathan le Sage"
Christine Delmotte
1997 - 26 min - Betacam - Belgique

Based on "Nathan le Sage" by Lessing, the issue of intolerance and racism is raised in an acute way. The great debate that the show has provoked shows how much this 18th century text is still profoundly topical.
At the beginning of the play, Hamadi – the actor who plays Saladin – in a prologue announces this relationship with our present : "... In these times of trouble, in these times when anyone who talks of religion talks of excess, extremism, violence, cruelty, death, warriors of God, party of God, all sorts of integrism, violent, blind and deaf to all tolerance... In these times, Jews are exterminated, Christians are slaughtered, Muslims are persecuted...
At the end of this century, some men, nevertheless, try to go beyond, transcend what is just archaic anecdotes in the religions, rites, clergy, prayer, places of worship, particular and intolerant rituals..."


Distributor : CVB (Centre vidéo de Bruxelles)