A People Uncounted
Aaron Yeger
2011 - 99 min - HDCam - Couleur - Canada

A People Uncounted tells the true story of the Roma, a people who have been both romanticized and vilified in popular culture and who have endured centuries of persecution in Europe. A People Uncounted documents their colorful but often difficult lives. Shot in 11 countries, the film brings the Romani history to life through the rich interplay of their poetry, music, and compelling firsthand accounts. As ethnic intolerance flares up across Europe, A People Uncounted sheds light on this unique culture.

Author-Director : Aaron Yeger
Photography : Stephen Whitehead
Sound : J.R. Fountain
Editing : Kurt Engfehr
Delegate Producer : Urbinder Films Inc.


Distributor : Urbinder Films Inc.


2012 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Situations de la création internationale