Shades of True
Alexandre Westphal, Violaine Baraduc
2014 - 88 min - HD - Couleur - France

Shot in Kigali’s Central Prison between 2011 and 2013 this documentary sheds light on the role of female perpetrators in the genocide against the Tutsi for the first time. In the Central Prison of Kigali, eight women incarcerated for their commitment in the genocide testify. Twenty years after the tragic events, Immaculée, Mwamine and their co-inmates talk about their participation in the violences.
Outside, Jérôme, the son of Immaculée, tries to find his place between the perpetrators and the victims. Born of a Tutsi father, he hardly finds the words to tell his story. The relationship he has with his mother, between the hope of reconciliation and an impossible dialogue make us feel the wounds of the country.


Distributor : Les Films de l'Embellie
DVD Editing : Doc Net Films


2015 - dokKa, Karlsruhe (Allemagne) : Sélection
2015 - Les Rendez-vous de l'histoire, Blois (France) : Grand Prix
2015 - Festival du film documentaire de Saint-Louis, Saint Louis (Sénégal) : Sélection