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À mon père résistant 3
Marcel Duhen, entre le silence et l'oubli
André Dartevelle
1995 - 64 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - Belgique

In 1943, Marcel Duhen, a workman’s son, joined the Armed Partisans at the end of his secondary school studies. Like all other students he was threatened by compulsory work in Germany. The execution of a classmate, Jo Debemels, who was shot the day he was 19, pushed Marcel into guerilla warfare. Enrolled in a "University" company, made up mostly by members of the University, he hid with the Partisans in a garden-city in the suburbs of Brussels.
He only came out of his hiding-place to make attacks or shoot down collaborators.
After the war, Marcel took up a career as a chemical engineer and commercial manager. He repressed his "killer" past and refused to speak to his children about it. Wounded by people’s attitude to the Partisans after the war, he took a sort of "vow" of silence.
His daughter, Danielle, intrigued by her father’s mutism, set out to find the deep-rooted reasons for it.

Author-Director : André Dartevelle
Delegate Producer : Dérives
Co-producer : WIP (Wallonie Image Production)
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles


Distributor : WIP (Wallonie Image Production)
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