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À la redécouverte du monde 2
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
1990 - 48 min - Couleur - France

The Cousteau team continue their circumnavigation of the planete visiting the long Western coastline of Australia and its vast and barren interior where for over 40,000 years the Australian Aboriginals have thrived.The series includes a voyage to the archipelago of the Andaman Islands. The Cousteaus uncover the myths and truths about the great white shark, and explore the exotic alchemy of Indonesia. They discover the archipelago of the Philippines. Having explored Nile, Saint Lawrence, Amazon and Mississippi, the cousteau team rediscover the Danube, and explore the fabled Mekong river.Their latest expedition takes them to Madagascar.

Author-Director : Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Delegate Producer : Cousteau Society


Distributor : Cousteau Society
Distributor : Europe images international