À la recherche de Frank Burns
Cathie Lévy
2007 - 82 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

On June 15, 2003, the L'Écailler du Sud publishing house in Marseille received a manuscript entitled "M.N, crime exemplaire", by Frank Burns, alias Abel.
A wronged man, without past or memory, lost in the world of the homeless. Within the space of a year, he loses his companions in misfortune one by one, all victims of violent deaths. The text appears to be a missive addressed to "the world of the living" written by a man who really endured these moments of shamefulness, rage and despair. The publisher wanted to bring it out. But the author was unknown at the given address. The director spent four years looking for him, less in the aim of physically finding him but to record the traces of his existence, to try to reconstitute his personality and put together his different portraits. Could there be several Frank Burns?

Author-Director : Cathie Lévy
Delegate Producer : Les Films du Tambour de Soie
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Les Films du Tambour de Soie