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À la lisière de l'autre monde
François-Philippe Gallois
2008 - 57 min - Vidéo & HDV - Couleur - France

In order to survive, the Bagyéli Pygmies want to play a real role in Cameroonian society. Three of them, Angéline, Marcelline, and Pascal, embody the fight their people have to lead in order to leave the forest they have been living in since thousands of years. Outside their world, they have to face the slavery of the Bantou farmers and a pipeline construction.

Author-Director : François-Philippe Gallois
Delegate Producer : Les Productions contact
Co-producer : Online Productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Planète
Broadcasting Sale : OrléansTV
Contribution : Conseil général de la Sarthe, Région Pays de la Loire, CNC


Distributor : Les Productions contact
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