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À l'ombre du soleil
Funérailles et Intronisation du "hogon" d'Arou Série-Collection : Thema : Le Mystère dogon

Nadine Wanono, Philippe Lourdou
1997 - 82 min - France

Responsible for fertility, rain, and order on Earth, the Hogon is the supreme religious leader within the Dogon community. Nadine Wanono and Philippe Lourdou shot the Hogon funeral and the enthronisation of the new leader.

Author-Director : Nadine Wanono, Philippe Lourdou
Sound : Pierre Gauthier
Editing : Natacha Krylatov-Gallet
Delegate Producer : Sodaperaga
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Sodaperaga