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2001, l'odyssée de l'assiette Série-Collection : Thema : Nos assiettes les intéressent !

Alain Lasfargues
1998 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

80 % of foods that we consume are transformed industrially. Behind these millions of meals quickly done, quickly eaten, hide an as powerful industry that discreet. Does the research of the profit announce the end of the good small flat ?
For to know what we eat and to what price, Arte investigates in the back kitchen of the food industry. In the discreet and very protected factories, the big priests of the innovation culinary play to learners wizards with our stomach.
Hang yourselves : it's yet tomorrow.

Author-Director : Alain Lasfargues
Author : Gérard Pouradier
Delegate Producer : Son et Lumière
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Son et Lumière
TV Rights : ARTE France Distribution
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