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100 Ans de finales
Voyage dans la mémoire du rugby français
Jacques-Alain Raynaud
1994 - 115 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

This film presents 100 years of the history of France on playing fields and 92 finals.
It recounts the true story of rugby in our country, its evolution and the story of its geographical implantation.
There are historical reconstructions with Pierre de Coubertin who speaks about his passion for this game, with Dr Jean-Louis Etienne (who walked to the Pole and Antarctica), a former Castres player, who talks with feeling about the father of polar expeditions, Jean-Baptiste Charcot, champion of France with the Paris rugby team, the Olympique... there is also the passing of the century with original pictures from archives, two world wars, the crisis of the 30's, May 1968...
This is a great historical fresco with the best parts of the game... it is the game, tries, the best moments of French rugby finals.
Available in 64 min.

Author-Director : Jacques-Alain Raynaud
Delegate Producer : Scope 2
Co-producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Contribution : Région Midi-Pyrénées


Distributor : Scope 2
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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