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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 At the Limits

At the Limits

  • Friday 27 August - 10:15 am - Room 5

    Fengming, a Chinese Memoir ( He Fengming )
    Wang Bing - 2009 - Chine/France - Couleur - DV - 230'

    Friday 27 August - 1:30 pm - Room 5

    Fengming, a Chinese Memoir ( He Fengming )
    Wang Bing - 2009 - Chine/France - Couleur - DV - 230'

    Friday 27 August - 9:00 pm - Room 5

    Man with No Name
    Wang Bing - 2009 - Chine/France - Couleur - HD - 92'

    Saturday 28 August - 10:15 am - Room 5

    Avi Mograbi - 2008 - France/Israël - Couleur - 35 mm - 81'

    Saturday 28 August - 2:30 pm - Room 5 - Débats, synthèse

    An hour will be devoted to visiting the simulation of The Details installation. Then at 3:30 pm there will be a debate on Avi Mograbi's work followed by a dialogue between the two film-makers. A synthesis proposed by Frédéric Sabouraud and Dork Zabunyan will close the seminar.