SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : CNC Reception Office for Film Authors
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 CNC Reception Office for Film Authors

CNC Reception Office for Film Authors

Thursday, 25 at 5:00 pm, Salle de la Mairie
Pre-registration required at the Public information area.
Warning: limited number of participants.

The vocation of the reception office is based on one of the principal missions of the Direction de la Création, des Territoires et des Publics: to accompany film authors and in particular emerging talents.

Its missions are:
– to inform film authors about the aid and support structures for the development of scenarios for film, television or multimedia;
– to provide guidance to authors and give them strategic advice on the whole aid structure and in particular the funds managed by the CNC;
– to elaborate practical and thematic guides facilitating professional procedures for film authors;
– to create opportunities for encounters with different public or private partners by organising information meetings aimed at film authors;
– to provide content for the page gathering resources for film writers on the CNC website, which includes two script libraries (for creative documentary and short films) containing proposals having received aid from the CNC as well as a news heading mentioning all the events, prizes, bursaries, training opportunities and festivals available to film authors.

Presentation by Anne Tudoret (CNC, Service de la création).