SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Story of a Production : Bix Films – Bip TV
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Story of a Production : Bix Films – Bip TV

Story of a Production : Bix Films – Bip TV

Producing a film is a challenge, and a unique adventure. Each film is a long term prototype which requires us to use our imagination and occasionally take some rather delicate and radical decisions. It is impossible to copy and paste recipes from one production to another: reality quickly pull us back into line.
Bix Films has chosen since 1997 to produce creative documentary films. Our tastes tend towards art and culture, social inquiry, memory where individual stories rub shoulders with History. Over time our editorial policy has taken shape, carrying along with it broadcasts and screenings, festival awards, LaScam prizes and coproductions with French and foreign companies.
The desire to produce becomes a commitment with a writer-director, through a narrative, a style, a point of view, a form, a mutual understanding.
This was the case with D’origine allemande. The film reveals an intimate adventure inscribed within world history, mixing narration, archives, real-life sequences, animation and musical score.
But this film was not a simple matter to make. It exists thanks to the tenacity of its director, to the technicians, creators, inventors who accompanied her, to our financial partners… and also to the broadcasting producer and co-producer. In this instance, Sophie Cazé (Bip TV) for our case study. This is the third film we have produced together. I appreciate our discussions, the marks of her trust and motivation, and I could add, the battle she has waged to support the project and its approach.
“Who is Bip TV?” was the question I heard buzzing at the award ceremony of the Étoiles de la Scam last year. Three prize-winning films for one local television station! A myriad of local channels have made creative work possible in this country and producers have long sought them out whenever there was a need to give birth to a creative film, a film departing from industry standards and formats, and also quite often for a normal 52-minute film.
Times have always been tough for our professions and they are even more so today for a thousand reasons. The gates of the major television broadcasting corporations are ever more tightly closed.
So how can one develop and produce a film? Defend a choice, follow a path while avoiding the pitfalls, skirting the obstacles to finally assemble the pieces of the puzzle?
Let us meet at Lussas with our “Story of a production” which we will be happy to share with you.

With the participation of Sophie Cazé (Bip TV) and Josiane Schauner (Bix Films).