Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 CNC: Encounter

CNC: Encounter

The reform of CNC support for creative documentary.
Thursday, 21 at 2:30 pm, Cinema 1

The reform of the CNC's system of support for creative documentary was announced in January 2014 by the Minister of Culture and Communication. Resulting from more than a year of dialogue with professional organisations, it is a response to the recommendations made by the authors of the report “Le documentaire dans tous ses états”. More ambitious documentaries will receive greater aid from the CNC in order to encourage more creative and innovative projects.
Historical and scientific documentaries will receive particular support with the aim of giving them more space in the schedules offered by French television. The reform also aims to reinforce transparency and encourage the industry's capacity to export to international markets.

With Claudine Manzanares, Head of the Documentary Service at the Audiovisual and New Media Department.