Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Procirep


The Lussas États généraux du film documentary every August is always a moment when we can pause and rethink our position: point of view, distance, movement are questions for those who create; liberty, openness for those who are viewing. For if documentary aspires to draw up a state of the world, it is indeed necessary nowadays to know how to position oneself in order to be able to discuss it, know what distance to take as a filmmaker but also what distance to offer the spectators. This new edition of the festival seems aimed at raising these questions and we can easily foresee the richness of the screenings and debates. The Procirep is proud once again to lend its support to the États généraux du film documentaire, a support which fits into a more general policy of aiding the development and production of documentary cinema, so important today in accompanying the mutation of our world.

François Bertrand
Président de la Commission Télévision de la Procirep

François Bertrand