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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Rhône-Alpes

Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Rhône-Alpes

A highlight of the documentary season, the États généraux du film documentaire at Lussas have become an indispensable stopover. For a week, professionals and amateurs meet to discuss the world of documentary. For it is one of the festival's paradoxes that it is at once about the world and removed from it. As if, in order to question reality, to reflect on it or capture it, it were necessary to take a step aside, off the beaten track and find another point of view. This is what the festival proposes. La Maison cinéma et le Monde, we could murmur following the title given to the publication of Serge Daney's complete writings. Lussas is a place for experimentation; cinema here is something to be experienced, dared, tried. With its multiple horizons, the Lussas festival is more of an invitation than a classification. For the films, there is no prize, no competition, just the infinite satisfaction of having modified trajectories, stimulated thought, spun a link between the world and those who view it.
This year once more, Lussas will be a generator of discourse for here our task will be to question, reflect, find the precise words to apply to this multitude of images by questioning anew the role of those precious mediators, producers of meaning, film critics.

Dear festival goers, I wish you happy and stimulating encounters with documentary cinema.

Alain Lombard
Régional Director of Cultural Affairs