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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Villages and home projections

Villages and home projections

The États généraux du film documentaire are also, in parallel, screenings in surrounding villages of a certain number of the programme's films with the presence of their author(s). The goal is to prolong the encounter between films and public beyond the time frame and rhythm of Lussas itself. On a village square, weather permitting, or in a hall, six evenings have been programmed over the week, each one followed by a debate with the director. This year, we keep working in partnership with the association Histoire(s) de voir - Ardèche, which will allow us to move beyond villages such as Eyriac, Saint-Laurent-sous-Coiron et Darbres, to go the à Genestelle, Saint-Andéol-de-Vals et Meyras.

At the same time as these public projections, we are organising other screenings but this time inside a family's home. The principle is the same: a filmmaker presents her or his film to a family at Lussas who will have invited for the occasion neighbours, friends and relatives... The intimate character of these evenings is highly appreciated by all!