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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 CNC - Writing and Developing a Creative Documentary Film

CNC - Writing and Developing a Creative Documentary Film

For the fifth consecutive year, the CNC is organising a workshop on the process of developing a documentary having received support from the Aid Fund for Audiovisual Innovation in Creative Documentary (FAIA).
The workshop will take as its subject this year the project Braddock America by Jean-Loïc Portron and Gabriella Kessler, produced by Program 33 (Christine Doublet) which has also received financial support from the feature film advance on box office receipts commission.
"Braddock, Pennsylvania, is a ghost town inhabited by a few ornery survivors. If they have the strength to hang on in this inhospitable environment, it is because they are aware that this tiny plot of American land carries within it, hidden in the ground and in their memories, the traces of essential events that make up the history of their nation."
The author, Jean-Loïc Portron, started from an extremely tenuous thread — the distant memory of a history lesson on the French presence in 18th century America — then dreamt of a film which would be an exploration of the history of a special America, little known in France, an America of commitment, pugnacious and bad tempered, an America that refuses to submit.
The development period allowed him, first of all, to confront his dream to the reality of Braddock and its landscapes and to move from the fictional characters in his mind to less docile human beings of flesh and blood.
The project was developed by Program 33 which has produced films for television for more than twenty years and in particular documentaries on culture, history and social issues. It has a twofold policy on film authors: the discovery and accompaniment of young talents and fidelity towards certain individuals they have been producing for years.
Jean-Loïc Portron and Program 33 have already collaborated on the collection "Arts du mythe".

Friday, 26 at 2:30 am, Room 4.
Workshop animated by Valentine Roulet (CNC), in the presence of Gabriella Kessler, Jean-Loïc Poltron (directors) and Christine Doublet (Programm 33).