Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 ROD


Meeting Wednesday, 25 at 10:00 am, Room 1

The State of Documentary in France: Progress report

The ROD, Réseau des Organisations du Documentaire, informally brings together the major French organisations of authors, directors and producers of documentary (SRF, SPI, ADDOC, USPA, C7)*.

In the framework of its activities, ROD has launched a study of the state of documentary in France and its evolution over the past ten years (2000-2010) mainly concentrating on:

- an analysis of the evolution of its modes of production, direction, formatting and scriptwriting;
- an analysis of the evolution of its modes of financing and presentation (television, cinemas, festivals...).

The study is being compiled on the basis of statistical data supplied by the CNC and the CSA, from a quantitative and qualitative analysis of other objective sources (festival catalogues, television timetables, etc.) and qualitative sources (interviews, the evolution of legal texts).

A progress report of the work, led by two research directors under the authority of an author, Pascale Krief, and a producer, Michel David, will be presented to the press, to institutions and professionals.

Contact: Laure Tarnaud +33 (0)6 83 83 60 23

* SRF – Film Directors Society - ADDOC – Documentary Directors Association - SPI – Independent Producers Syndicate - USPA – Union of the Audiovisual Producers - C7 - The October, 7 Group