Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 ROD


Wednesday, August 22 at 10.30 am, Room 1

Meeting with the French Network of Documentary Organisations (ROD)

As documentary authors, directors and producers, we decided in January 2007 to unite and create the ROD: Réseau des Organisations du Documentaire (French Network of Documentary Organisations). Its vocation is to ensure the durability and growth of documentary and to follow public policies in the field. Its objectives are to promote the diversity of forms, contents, points of view among public service TV broadcasters and to raise awareness of what is at stake in the (re)definition of the notion of an audiovisual work – as well as the risks involved in an incremental change of meaning of the terms “documentary” and “creation”.
At the heart of our reflection and this meeting, the notions of artistic work and diversity. Every documentary work is born of the way of looking with which the filmmaker examines the world. Without this singularity, no artistic work is possible. The strength and wealth of documentary as a genre comes from the diversity of these ways of seeing.