SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : CNC: The Creative Documentary Script Library is expanding
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 CNC: The Creative Documentary Script Library is expanding

CNC: The Creative Documentary Script Library is expanding

On the occasion of the twenty-sixth edition of the États généraux du film documentaire, the script library of film proposals having received seed money for creative documentary from the CNC audiovisual innovation aid fund is growing and numbers some thirty projects readable on line. The library also includes projects supported with reinforced development aid, the third level of the fund.
Ioanis Nuguet's film Spartacus and Cassandra, produced by Morgane Productions and presented at the festival opening, is among the proposals supported by reinforced development aid. Interested viewers will be able to read the proposals and follow their development from written proposal to the screen.
New scenarios will be regularly listed online in order to illustrate the richness and diversity of creative documentary that the CNC is committed to defend.
