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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée

Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée

For more than twenty years, the États généraux du film documentaire has been the site of a commitment, carried out with unceasing ardour and passion by both Lussas and the CNC, to make the documentary a genre characterised by the affirmation of an author's point of view thanks to original and inventive screenwriting and direction.

Documentary film-makers have always been engaged in deep reflection on the world around them and their professional practice. Lussas offers them a remarkable site for confrontation and exchange.

A recent CNC study highlighted the good health of documentary in film theatres and I am very happy about this. As for television, the CNC has just launched a new appeal for projects susceptible to receive reinforced development funding, the idea being to encourage broadcasters to sign on to atypical or daring film projects.

Again this year we have collaborated with Les États généraux to organise a meeting on the development and production of first documentary films, an exchange with professionals working regularly on first films (schools, associations providing guidance, production companies, officials of aid funds) and a workshop on the process of writing and developing around the first film by Alessandro Comodin, Giacomino, which received help from the audiovisual innovation aid fund.
The CNC is particularly attentive to first films and the encouragement of new authors for one of its missions is to ensure the renewal and diversity of French creativity.

I wish to thank the États généraux and the entire team for welcoming us each year and I congratulate them for their untiring commitment to documentary.

Véronique Cayla, President of the CNC